CarbonCheck™ >100ha
Desk-top check of carbon credit potential on your property in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. Properties 101 ha - 1,000 ha. Over 1,000 ha please contact us direct for a price. Site visit additional charge.
CarbonCheck™ 101 ha - 1,000 ha:
- A desk-top check of your forest and property details to see if it qualifies for registration in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZETS)
- Heads-up on any issues you may need to be aware of
CarbonCheck™ Report includes:
- Written report content: Client | Property | NZETS Forest/ha | Pre-existing NZETS liabilities | Other issues
- Carbon Resource Map showing potential NZETS forest
CarbonCheck™ fee includes GST and is once-only per property and non-refundable.
Professional services are carried out in accordance with our standard Contract.
Reports in .pdf form are delivered to your nominated e-mail address within 10 working days of fee payment.
Please send us the following information:
- Property owner's name
- Legal descriptions (see your rate demand)
- Physical address
- Any previous or current NZETS information or reports
- MPI ETS Forest account number (if any)
- EPA carbon credit holding account number (if any)
- Forest maps and plans
- Photographs
Please email this information to:
We can provide a cloud link if your information is too big to e-mail.
We will call you to discuss your project. Our contact phone: +64 4 381 2255