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Sustainability Status Scale
  • Sustainability Status Scale

    A confidential tool for an organisation to understand its status and risk position on the Sustainability Status Scale (SSS) FROM: "0" = Status Unknown/Extreme Risk TO "10"= Independently Certified Sustainable/Near Zero Risk, Sustainable Brand Recognition. Reduce your risks and liability and maximise your brand reputation with an independent state-of-the-art SSS assessment.


      The Sustainability Status Scale (SSS) is designed for your information as an independent confidential tool for the assessment of sustainability performance, legal compliance position, risk reduction, and reputational management.


      Sustainability Status Scale runs from: "0" = Status Unknown/Extreme Risk to "10" = Independently Certified Sustainable & High Quality SMS in place/Excellent - Near Zero Risk, Sustainable Brand Recognition.


      Find out where you are on the Sustainability Status Scale!


      Sustainability Status Score Period is three years for an organisation, recommended annual reviews. Annual reviews cost less than the initial scoring exercise.


      Reporting Criteria:

      • Desk-top assessment only for small to medium-size businesses
      • We will request specific information from you and communicate with you frequently during the scoring process
      • All information held as strictly confidential
      • Draft report will be provided for your review
      • Final report will include a Score and advice on improvements, if required
      • Testing of product or service or site visit at additional charge
      • GreenXperts retains the right to cancel or withdraw any Sustainability Status Score without payment of compensation if information supplied is incorrect, a substantial change to the item scored occurs and is not advised by the client, or a negative event occurs that damages the standing of the Sustainability Status Scoring system
      • At least two weeks' notice will be given if a score is to be cancelled or withdrawn. The client will be given reasonable time to take corrective action to improve their score where desired


      We reserve the right to advise the client of additional fees if the scope of the Sustainabiity Status Scoring exercise required is beyond our standard service specification.


      Sustainability Status Score fee excludes GST and is non-refundable.

      Professional services are carried out in accordance with our standard Contract.


      Reports in .pdf form are delivered to your nominated e-mail address within 10 business days for small to medium size businesses, and by agreement for large to very large businesses.

    Excluding VAT
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